Nicholas McCarthy known as ‘The One Handed Pianist’

Nicholas McCarthy known as ‘The One Handed Pianist’

Photo from Nichola McCarthy's website Nicholas McCarthy.
An inspirational story of an incredible young man known as ‘The One Handed Pianist’.  
Nicholas, McCarthy graduated from the Royal College of Music as a pianist.  What a stunning achievement and one to be truly inspired by.  This is a fabulous achievement for any young musician and what makes this a special achievement is that Nicholas was born without his right arm. 
His, is a story about a passion realized, a goal achieved and challenges overcome and it made me wonder how many of us might relate to these things and how many of us might want to take the inspiration we derive from hearing it, apply it ourselves and take action towards achieving our own goals whatever they may be.
As I heard his story unfolding and watched him play the piano, I was aware of how recognizing what we can do and believing in ourselves, enables so much to happen.  
I discovered how as a young boy Nicholas had originally wanted to be a chef and how all this had changed when he heard his friend play a Beethoven Sonata on the school piano in Assembly.  After the concert, he had dashed home to say that he wanted to be a concert pianist!    Hearing Nicholas say this reminded me of all those wonderful moments of clarity a person can experience through coaching!  Those powerful moments when a person’s values and beliefs are so aligned that the goal is already in sight!  
As a coach, it’s the music to my ears
Nicholas had identified his goal and he went on to teach himself to play the keyboard and at 14 he had piano lessons. His eagerness to arrange an audition led him to choosing which music school he wanted to attend.  The music school could not understand how he was going to play the piano one-handed, saying  ‘how can you play the piano and how are you even going to play the scales’?  He was refused an audition.  Nicholas describes this as being a very difficult time for him. 
As a resourceful teenager he turned this un-resourceful situation into a positive outcome and went on to gain a place at the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama.  He is now a graduate of the Royal College of Music in London.  He has his own website and is being recognized nationally!  This reminds me of how important it is to stay focused on our goals. Where there’s a will there’s a way!
Having heard Nicholas’ story thus far - it makes me wonder how many of us can take inspiration from him.  Keeping focused on our goal and finding ways of making it happen, even when others might not be able to make sense of it for themselves.   There is a strong message here for me and I ask myself how I might have allowed other people to shape and define my decisions.  
I shall remind myself to remain focused on my goals remember to rely upon my strong and unshakeable beliefs.  
Thanks Nicholas and good luck for the future. 
Mary  xx