Licensed Life Coaching Trainer Programme

Licensed Life Coaching Trainer Programme

Training the Coaches of the Future

You are on your way to a great future!
Brilliant, as a Simply Changing Developing Coach, you are on your way to a fabulous opportunity to develop your skills even more, hone your craft as a Coach, develop new skills as a trainer and build a solid and credible business.
What are the reasons you SHOULD do it?
When I set up Simply Changing I had to work with an awarding body for 3 months to actually get accreditation. It took time, energy and financial resources to make it happen and in addition I had to set aside months to develop the materials.
When the materials went online, we invested in our own online learning platform and again that took rather a lot of time and resources to make happen!  
I did this because, we here at Simply Changing want our learners to have the best experience possible.  Learning can be a challenging experience and we strive constantly to make it a supported and enjoyable experience, one where learning opens up the possibilities of personal change.  I know we achieve that consistently! 
Now, Simply Changing is established as a credible quality deliverer of Coaching Training and we are happy to share that infrastructure with you so that you can ‘hit the ground running’ with your new skills and new services.
What’s the reason we are making this unbelievable option available to you?
Well, Coaching is the second fastest growing industry in the UK (and around the world) and therefore people in all walks of life are wanting to become Coaches for a lot of different reasons.  You know that yourself because when you think of the people who are a part of Simply Changing, they are from all walks of life, all ages, all of life’s experiences and they also reflect all sectors for businesses and organisations.
There are 70 million people in the UK alone and as Coaches, we know that each and every person can benefit from Coaching. 
We know that the Simply Changing approach to Coaching is hugely successful because it is ethical, full of integrity and we value the person and their resourcefulness. We are highly effective Coaches and want to share our approach with you so that you can share it, spreading the word and liberally sprinkling amazing skills around the world.
In a nutshell, coaching is a growing industry and we want you to grow with us!
So, here’s how it works!
Focus of Training
The focus of the training is to enable you to build confidence and skills in delivering the Diploma in Performance Coaching with NLP.  
We will support you in your understanding, skills development, confidence, story building and complete awareness of the learning outcomes, learning messages and the Simply Changing voice.
You will be able to make the training delivery your own, with exercises, analogies, metaphors etc that work for you and we will actively encourage you to do that.
We will explore how the context can change and the learning message remain.
You will become highly skilled in delivering this in your chosen setting.
There are two elements of the delivery:
1. The delivery of the face to face programme
2. The supervision and learning support of your learners in their coaching practice and in the gathering of their evidence for submission for assessment
Train the Coach Programme Timescale
The programme will run for 4 months, giving you time between modules to consolidate your new skills.  
The programme will be delivered over 5 modules which are a mixture of 'face to face' modules of two days each and real time webinars. Totally, the equivalent of total of 10 days. To support consolidation of your learning and ensure consistency of the delivery approach, learning messages etc, you will co-deliver the Simply Changing face to face programme. 
Upon successful completion of the programme
You will be awarded the Simply Changing Licensed Coach Certificate and therefore competent to deliver the Simply Changing, face to face Diploma in Performance Coaching with NLP. 
You will also be trained 'ongoing' to supervise your Developing Coaches as they develop their coaching skills throughout the programme.   Here's what that looks like: 
Supervision Training
As a trainer, you will have the great privilege of supporting your Coaches throughout their learning process, in exactly the same way as you have or are experiencing in the programme.
The cost of supervision training is built into the programme.  It is a real time webinar-based support mechanism that enables you to build your skill as you ‘assess’ your developing coaches.  It takes a minimum of 6 months to become independent in your role as a supervisor/assessor.
You will begin this supervision training once you have successfully completed the taught element of the programme.
What the training enables you to do:
Becoming a Licensed Simply Changing Trainer means that you have the right to deliver the programme using Simply Changing materials.  You will support your learners and assess their portfolio.
All portfolios are moderated here at Simply Changing and all certification is carried out here too. 
What support will you receive as a Licensed Trainer? 
You will be fully supported by Simply Changing who will enable you to run your programmes as a Simply Changing Licensed Trainer.
These are the services that Simply Changing provide to you:
  1. Offering Finance if required (where available and depending upon status)
  2. Administration of enrolment 
  3. Access to the Online Learning Materials
  4. Ad hoc Admin Needs 
  5. Registration of the learner with the awarding body
  6. Assessment and moderation of learners' evidence
  7. Certification of learner
  8. Ongoing supervision training
Any Questions?
Please send them to Mary at
You've now got a full picture
We look forward to supporting you in building your business as we grow the Simply Changing family.
To book your place with us, please send an email to Mary and she will send you an enrolment form for completion.
See you soon.
Louise x
Licensed Trainer Programme


Our Book Reviews

Donna Cunningham

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Jean Shinoda Bolen

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Tara Bennett-Goleman

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Susan Jeffers

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Brandon Bays

Reviewed by: Louise Trevatt

Paul McKenna and Hugh Willbourn

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Steve Blamires

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler

Reviewed by: Jen Dexter

Neale Donald Walsch

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Gael Lindenfield

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Rhonda Byrne

Reviewed by: Gill Fitzpatrick

Paul McKenna

Reviewed by: Louise Trevatt

Paul McKenna

Reviewed by: Louise Trevatt
Inspirational Quotes
"We should show life neither as it is or as it it ought to be, but only as we see it in our dreams."
Count Leo Tolstoy
"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."
Henry D. Thoreau
"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained."
Arthur Roche
"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."
Dale Carnegie
"Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response."
Mildred Barthel
"Begin with the end in mind."
Stephen Covey
"Most successful people have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand."
Bruce Barton
"The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: "I did not have time"."
Franklin Field
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
Burton Hills
"Your successes and happiness are for you only if you generously consent to share them."
Albert Camus