Six Steps To A Successful Management Meeting

Six Steps To A Successful Management Meeting

Step 1 

Get the best management team in the world.  People who believe in what the company is doing.  In our case that is:

Mary - who is loyal and works energetically morning, noon and night chatting to people who are interested in coming along on our courses. 

Jane - who is as smart as they come, compassionate, savvy, clever, honest and generous. 

Kathy - who creates a superb place where everyone can contribute. All seeing and very wise.

Fiona - who injects brilliant ideas in the most unlikely of places, a smart thinker.

Oh, yes and me - well passionately believe in coaching as an solution to education, health, business, parenting etc etc etc

With a team like this who all share the same vision and values we are really onto something!!


Step 2 

Host the meeting in an enviroment that supports creativity, comfort and space to think.  In this case Jane's farm in Denby Village, Derbyshire!  

Step 3 

Allow the meeting to go to the dogs occasionally! 

Step 4 

Nip to the pub for lunch! 

Step 5

Begin day 2 of the meeting by 'horsing around'

Step 6 

Add a little Shiatsu and or Indian Head Massage (thank you Kathy) into the proceedings


A brilliantly creative meeting - everyone involved, everyone in agreement, great actions set and a whole load of great ideas that we can pass on to our Simply Changing Developing Coaches and Graduate Coaches, to make their Coaching Practices even more enriched! 

Info coming soon - watch this space!! 


Louise xx