1st July 2015LISTENING
I was walking my little dog on the park the other day and my attention was drawn to a little voice coming from the top of the slide, “Mummy, watch what I can do”. The little girl was waiting to show her mum her brave new trick of sliding down head first on her tummy. Mum was focused on reading something on her phone. She tried again, “Mummy look, watch me”. Without taking her eyes off the phone, mum answered “yes, in a minute”.
She tried again, “Mummy, watch what I can do”, which came with the reply, spoken without lifting her head up from the phone, “Yes sweetheart that’s great”.
I could see the little girl’s shoulders drop and head tilt to the side as she proceeded to carry out her trick without the recognition she was hoping for.
I felt quite sad about that and almost made a judgement relating to bad parenting. Then I wondered how many times, as my children grew, had I been distracted by something that at the time felt more important. These thoughts took me back to times when I had been lacking in enough energy to stay enthusiastic all day long, and other times when I had other things on my mind.
I am a Grandmother now and it can often seem that I have more time and can offer more attention to my Grandchildren than we I had as a parent. I just love listening to my 2 year old Grandson learning new words, watching him explore the world with curiosity and fascination. I listen to every word he says and he knows that I am truly listening.

I am often inspired to write poetry and this is one I wrote recently about the importants of listening
I know you are listening when you reflect back on what I’ve said
When you laugh at my funnies and ruffle my head
I know that you are listening when you ask me how I feel
When you understand my fears and accept for me they’re real
I know when you are listening when you look into my eyes
I can tell by your smiley face that you’re proud I won the prize
So I’ve let you know my secret, I’m cleverer than you think
I can read your facial expressions, even the way you blink
So when I see you are busy and need some time alone
I will try and work it out myself and show you how much I’ve grown

I believe that the act of true listening is a great skill and we all know how important is as the foundation of coaching. I definitely know that when I am actively listening to my Grandson I can hear the words that he is using and also much more than that, his energy and conviction. It is wonderful to hear beyond what he is saying. I know that this level of listening has come from my own coaching skills. I am so appreciative of the skills it has given me so that I can really hear what my Grandson says so that he and I can have the best relationship possible.