The Journey

Brandon Bays








Louise Trevatt

I read this book shortly after it was written, following a recommendation from a friend. I am so pleased that I did.

It is written by Brandon Bays who was one of Anthony Robbins team of trainers. Within the book, she documents the diagnosis of a tumour that has developed within her and the choice that she makes to postpone immediate surgery in favour of her own process of understanding.

She embarks upon her ‘journey’. This journey takes her closer and closer to understanding the root cause which she believes culminated in the football sized abdominal tumour. Within a short time her tumour is gone!

I found this book full of new and different perspectives. The process of immersing oneself in emotion that we would normally move away from, opened up a different dimension to my own practice.  

At the back of the book you will find ‘Process Sheets’ which provide guidance for you to participate in your own ‘journey’. I know a number of people who, as friends, have supported each other’s process using the book and these sheets. Many have gained powerful results. So as a resource in itself it is very useful.  

I have also known people who find that they require more experienced facilitation and therefore have chosen to work with a coach on the process or taken a “journey course”. As Brandon Bays in based in Wales, this for us in the UK is very handy. I know that courses are also available worldwide.

This is a useful, thought-provoking book, well worth a presence on your bookshelf!

Louise x

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