A Great Coaching Activity for Working With a Management Team
A Great Coaching Activity for Working With a Management Team

A Great Coaching Activity for Working With a Management Team


This podcast will give you a great tool to coach a management team with the aim of working on the management team’s ability to change state from defensive and critical to receptive, open and curious.

In this example we were sharing one tool we used whilst coaching a management team which needed to change state.  We prepared the current state and planned carefully for a change state to the desired state of open, curious and receptive.

When we work with a management team we need to prepare well and understand exactly what it is we want to achieve.  This will inform the coaching activity.

In this case we gave them a vehicle to think into the future and be heard.

Enjoy exploring how creative we can be as coaches when coaching a management team and how successful we can be when we plan and prepare really well.

Happy coaching!!

Louise xx



0333 800 7777

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